Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sin Jordan

So today we got to Barcelona, and i wasn't exactly paying attention to were jordan was taking me. and after amy left, Jordan-growing accustom to the spanish siesta, passed out. i wasn't tired so i decided to explore a little. 5 blocks out i realized i didn't know were i was and was having trouble locating the streets signs(later i jordan told me they were on the buildings). so, there i was in the middle of barcelona with a map, but no point of origin. so oh well- i pressed on only to see a seriously nude dude getting on a bus- which poses the question, where was he storing the bus passes?

entonces, i thought i was fitting in pretty well, but then a couple of 80 year old Minnesotans, picked me out of a crowd of 100 people and ask me if i was American. there goes that thought. anyways, they wanted me to give them direction to them in a city that i had spent all of two hours in... talk about blind leading the blind. but then i remember my dad saying something about a blind squirrel and his nuts. so i confidently told them- "now ... here's what you want to do..." and proceeded to give them direction with my map and no point of origin- hopefully they got where they wanted to go =P.

not sure how but i eventually navigated my way back to the hostel.

There, I fixed the spelling bitches.


  1. Fun stuff Juan. Does the blog come with a spell checker or is that just showing my age?

    A squirrel and his nuts?

  2. Yes, it does come with a spell checker, but Juan is tired. I have been making him work hard. Leave my travel buddy alone.

    P.S. Apparently John is quite the dancer. We went to a few clubs in Barcelona last night, and John was the life of the party.

  3. Brother! Wish I was with you guys exploring :)

    Oh Johnny boy...not sure if thats how the squirrel saying goes haha

    'fixed the spelling bitches'...classic

    Miss you both
