Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 1 - Travel Day

Johnny and I landed in Barcelona today; smuggled in some beef jerkey which is apparently punishable by execution over here according to the signs at the aeropuerto. We both bought 2 lb. bags at Bi-Mart and weren´t willing to part with them. Our plan if they checked our bags was to eat as much dried beef as we could in 5 minutes and chuck the rest. I´m glad it didn´t come to that cause I just checked the bag, and there is 2 weeks worth of the daily reccommended amount of sodium. (Yes mom, we will be eating as healthy as we can)

Our travels have gone fairly smoothly so far... knock on wood. The plane rides actually went pretty quick. We caught the city bus to downtown Barcelona from the airport and then the subway to the SARFA bus estacion. Arrived a cool one minute before the bus to Platja d´Aro was scheduled to depart. My bullpen-Spanish lessons over the years kicked in, in the clutch. ¨Mucho chicas, uhhh I mean, tida la curball, uhhh I mean necicito compra una billet a Platja d'Aro. Finally got it. :) Haven´t used much English so far, actually haven´t used much Spanish either. Spanish-major boy keeps making fun of me, but I´m still waiting for him to step up and help me out. I´m not sure why I brought him. Just kidding, but seriously Mr. I get straight A's in Spanish class at WOU. I thought he'd be fluent. ;) Seriously though, John and I are going to have such a great time. I´m so glad he came over with me.

Anyways, we´re on a bus now headed to find the prettiest girl in Spain. I have a sneaking suspicion I will find her at the McDonalds in Platja d'Aro at around 9:45 tonight, but thant´s just a wild guess. I'll turn it over to John now. Apparently he has some exciting story involving Romanian gymnists, cream-cheese bagels, and an airplane bathroom. Who knows.

John's Quote of the Day #1

"Yeah, I saw you drop your bus pass on the ground, and was going to tell you... but I just didn't."

(Thanks for the back-up big guy)

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